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Crowns & Bridges

If your tooth is damaged but not lost, a crown can be used to restore its shape, appearance and function. You may need a crown if you have a root canal, a large filling in a tooth or a broken tooth.

A crown, also called a cap, is a hollow, artificial tooth used to cover a damaged or decayed tooth. The crown restores the tooth and protects it from further damage. Crowns can also be used to cover a discoloured or misshapen tooth. A tooth that has been fixed with a crown looks and works very much like a natural tooth.

One way to take care of a gap caused by a missing tooth is with a dental bridge. There are removable dental bridges, also called partial dentures, that can be removed and cleaned like dentures, and there are permanent dental bridges, sometimes called fixed partial dentures.

A dental bridge is called a bridge because it literally bridges the gap where one or more teeth used to be. Bridges are cemented to the teeth adjacent to the empty space. The adjacent teeth, called abutments, serve as the anchors for the bridge. The adjacent teeth are trimmed down and capped with a crown, and then a replacement tooth, called a pontic, is attached to those crowns to form the bridge. The unit is securely cemented to your teeth and your smile and ability to chew food is improved.

Dentures & Partials

Missing teeth impact your oral health, lessen your quality of life, and make eating a healthy diet difficult. Plus, an incomplete smile can add years to your appearance. Dr. Riazi of Markhamack location designs dentures and partials customized for outstanding fit and comfort. He partners with a skilled denturist, M. Baghaie, who creates replacement teeth from quality materials and leaves no detail unfinished.

Full dentures restore complete rows of teeth. If you’re missing most or all of your teeth, dentures will return a natural appearance to your smile. A full set of teeth will support facial structure for a more youthful look, as well. You’ll smile confidently knowing that your replacement teeth look like the real thing.

Dr. Riazi may recommend a partial denture if you have some healthy teeth remaining. Partial dentures fill gaps scattered throughout a smile. Dr. Riazi and denturist M. Baghaie will design and create your partial to blend beautifully with your natural teeth.

Dentures can be secured with natural suction, over-the-counter adhesive, while partials are typically held in place with unobtrusive clasps. Dental implants also offer a secure foundation for your denture or partial. Custom fit with snaps, the restoration wills simply snap onto the implanted posts, eliminating uncomfortable slipping.

If you are ready to smile again, contact our Markhamack practice for a denture consultation. Dr. Riazi can discuss the restoration and placement method that is right for you.

Gum Disease Therapy

When not addressed promptly, gum (periodontal) disease can significantly damage oral health. This bacterial infection of the gums can also contribute to decreased overall health. Osteoporosis, heart attack, stroke, dementia, and low birth weight are just a few of the whole-body complications linked to gum disease.

The good news is that early-stage gum disease, called gingivitis, can be reversed with a deep cleaning by our hygienist and proper brushing and flossing at home. Gum disease that progresses beyond gingivitis typically responds well to topical antibiotic therapy. If you have severe gum disease, Dr. Riazi may recommend the services of a trusted periodontist, a specialist in treating conditions of the gums.Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. Periodontal exams at our dental office are a good first line of defense to keep gum disease at bay and protect the health of your smile.


Hygiene  & Checkups

The Canadian Dental Association recommends you see your dentist regularly for a checkup and/or hygiene appointment. At your checkup, we will inspect your soft tissues for oral cancer, periodontal disease, and other problems. Dr. Riazi will also look at each tooth in your mouth to assess problems like tooth decay or cracks, as well as old dental work. Sometimes old dental work wears out and needs to be replaced. We will be happy to replace metal fillings, inlays, onlays, and crowns with tooth-colored alternatives.

During your professional hygiene appointment, our gentle hygienists will inspect your gums for periodontal disease, the leading cause of tooth loss for American adults. The hygienists are specially trained to detect, deter, and treat gum disease. We prefer to help you maintain optimal oral health so that you never have to worry about gum disease. However, if you develop periodontal problems, we're here to help you.

By looking for trouble every six months, we can often reduce your potential for large dental problems. For instance, left untreated, a small cavity can grow to destroy an entire tooth and spread to surrounding teeth. A cracked tooth can cause pain or break off and create additional problems. Furthermore, advanced gum disease is the primary cause of tooth loss for adults, and oral cancer causes thousands of deaths each year. Caught and treated early, these diseases can be controlled. Children as young as two should visit the dentist, and by age four or five, a child should attend regular checkups.

Children's Dentistry

Our office regularly cares for the dental needs of children as young as three years old. However, if you notice that your child has a problem with his or her teeth or gums prior to this age, please schedule an appointment. You may also want to bring your child to your dental checkup when he or she is about two so that your child can become familiar with the sights, sounds, and friendly helpers in our dental office. We call this a Happy Visit. Your child's independent checkup at age three will involve a tooth-by-tooth inspection and periodontal exam. Dr. Riazi will check for proper development, as well as tooth decay and other areas of concern.

As your child grows, he or she will need regular checkups and hygiene visits to ensure optimal oral health. Our team will also teach oral homecare techniques so that your child can learn how to effectively brush and floss, with your help at first, then on his or her own. Dr. Riazi may recommend previtive resins or fluoride supplements. Preventive resins are thin, clear coatings that protect hard-to-clean back teeth from the sugars that cause tooth decay. Fluoride attracts other minerals to strengthen tooth enamel and ward off cavities. Because most bottled water does not contain fluoride, your child may be deficient in this essential mineral. Sealants and fluoride supplements are quick and easy protective measures that can save your little one from cavities.

Let us help your children learn the importance of optimal oral health from a young age. In some cases, we refer children to pedodontists, who are specialists in children's dentistry. We will help you make the best choices for your child's unique and precious personality.


Teeth Whitening & ZOOM

Coffee, tea, cola, certain foods, tobacco use, and even the natural aging process can interfere with the beauty and luster of your smile. One day you look in the mirror and notice that your teeth aren’t as white as they once were. Professional teeth whitening from Markhamack location combats dental discoloration to makes smiles sparkle. Choose from in-office laser whitening or take-home bleaching.

Zoom Laser Teeth Whitening Works Fast....amazing results!

Safe, effective bleaching gel applied to your teeth and activated with a laser can reveal a smile up to 12 shades whiter in about an hour. Laser whitening is proven gentle to teeth and delivers all-over whitening for brilliant, reliable results. In a single appointment to our office, you can reinvigorate your smile and freshen your appearance.

Whiten on Your Schedule with Take-Home Bleaching

If you prefer to whiten where and when you choose, then take-home bleaching may be the right method for you. We’ll take an impression of your smile to create your custom-made bleaching trays. Simply pour our professional-strength gel in the trays as wear as Dr. Riazi recommends. Ten days to two weeks of daily use will reveal a brighter, more youthful smile.

Dental Implants

Dental implants now provide a more natural option to replace missing teeth. During a short oral surgery, a small titanium post is implanted into the jawbone beneath the gum line. As the dental implant heals, your bone naturally fuses with the post, creating a root, just as nature intended. A handcrafted, all-porcelain crown is then attached to the post, completing your tooth, and your smile.

Dr. Riazi will provide a thorough examination to determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. You’ll then be referred to a trusted oral surgeon for placement of the post. After your surgery and healing are complete, you’ll return to our Markhamack dental practice for placement of the crown. Contact either of Markhamack locations for your appointment today.

Root Canals

Tooth Coloured Fillings

If you're embarrassed about your smile because of decay or dark fillings in your teeth, you may be a good candidate for composite resins. A silicon dioxide-filled, tooth-colored plastic mixture, composite resins can restore teeth to an attractive, healthy state. Composite resins represent several advantages over traditional silver or amalgam fillings.

Because composite resins are not made of metal, we can blend and mix shades to find the perfect color to match your natural teeth. This means only you and your dentist will know you have fillings.

Another pro is that the tooth/composite bond actually supports the remaining tooth structure, deterring breakage and insulating against temperature changes. Best of all, composite resins allow us to keep more of your natural tooth structure intact than amalgams. We believe in conservative dentistry – the more natural tooth structure you keep, the better teeth you’ll likely have in the future

Your teeth contain several layers: the outer protective enamel, a secondary layer of sensitive dentin, and an inner pulp that contains components commonly referred to as the “nerve” of the tooth. A deep cavity, traumatic injury, or tooth fracture can make the canal susceptible to bacterial infection, which can kill the pulp, stimulate increased blood flow, and create pressure within the tooth. If you see a dentist in the earliest stages of this condition, the tooth may be saved with a root canal.

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